

Måling av nivå og vannkvalitet


In-Situ er ensbetydende med måling i vann!

I sortimentet finnes multiparametersonder med ett bredt utvalg av vannkvalitetssensorer, i tillegg til stand-alone sensorer for måling av konduktivitet, temperatur og dybde (CTD).  In-Situ kan også tilby RDO oksygensensorer av meget høy kvalitet for måling av oppløst oksygen og temeratur i selv de tøffeste prosessmiljøer. Løsninger med Telemetri datalogger og skytjeneste kan tilbys for online fjernovervåking av målinger i felt!


In-Situ tilbyr en rekke On Demand Webinarer:



How to Improve Data Quality for Better Water Disinfection Process Control

This webinar will cover primary and secondary disinfection methods with a deeper focus on the benefits and challenges of chlorination and chloramination. We’ll also explore monitoring for consistent data collection and reliable disinfection process control..


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5 Steps to Successful Continuous Surface Water Monitoring

Are you struggling with remote data collection or wondering how to even begin a continuous monitoring program? This webinar will give you the training, tips and tricks you need to collect continuous, high-quality data at all your water monitoring sites.…


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7 Ways VuLink Telemetry Revolutionizes Remote Monitoring

Enter VuLink. In this webinar, Software and Solutions Product Manager Matt Trumbo and Application Development Managers Adam Hobson and Eric Robinson will take you through the top reasons why VuLink is game-changing technology for anyone who would benefit from more data and fewer trips to the field.


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Meet the Challenge of Biological Nutrient Removal with the Right Techniques and Tools

Control of Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) in wastewater treatment plants can be challenging. This webinar presents the best practices ChemScan has developed during 20 years of working with plants to improve Biological Nutrient Removal processes.…

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Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring: The Key to a Healthy Aquaculture System

Accurate and affordable dissolved oxygen monitoring is critical to maintaining a healthy aquaculture system. In this webinar we’ll discuss the attributes of dissolved oxygen in water; DO sensor technology and monitoring methods; and the role effective DO …


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1,4-Dioxane - The Forgotten Emerging Contaminant?

1,4-Dioxane is a contaminant of concern in groundwater particularly at chlorinated solvent release sites. It has become the focus of increasing world-wide regulatory attention.

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FAQ: Wastewater Monitoring for Rapid COVID-19 Community Spread Detection

Wastewater monitoring has emerged as the fastest and most effective method for early detection of COVID-19 community spread. Join GT Molecular Director of Research and Development Dr. Rose Nash for a jargon-free discussion on the technologies in use for COVID-19 quantification in wastewater and an in-depth review of the analytical validation procedures used to validate the performance of these workflows. 


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Pushing Progress: The Challenges of Groundwater Data Collection in Humanitarian and Development Work

Within the humanitarian and development sector, monitoring is rarely carried out, and even when it is, data are often inaccessible and of poor quality. Without routine and systematic monitoring of groundwater, we cannot understand or sustainably manage these resources for the benefit of the poorest and most marginalised people in the world. The absence of monitoring can lead to costly and disastrous consequences.


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Paradigm Shifts in Water Quality Sensor Design

Historically, water quality monitoring networks have proven to be costly, but the paradigm is shifting, and equipment and data services are becoming more affordable. In this webinar, David Bossie examines old beliefs about monitoring and reveals the technology that has improved your ability to create a successful long-term monitoring network.

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Top 3 Reasons to Switch to Long-Term Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring

Long-term harmful algal bloom monitoring is easier to manage than ever before. Better instrumentation and drift-resistant sensors have changed the game — basically eliminating every reason to skip this important measure. And given the increasing prevalence of toxic blooms and their potential threat to public health and economic stability, early detection is more important than ever.

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Using Turbidity as a Surrogate for Estimating Suspended Sediment Concentration and Discharge

Two laboratory analytical methods — suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) and total suspended solids (TSS) are predominantly used to quantify concentrations of suspended sediment in surface waters. These two terms are often erroneously used interchangeably, but using the TSS method instead of SSC for surface waters can produce considerably different results and negatively affect the successful assessment and remediation of sediment-impaired waters.

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How to Optimize Phosphate Removal Processes in Wastewater Through Real-Time Monitoring

Permitted discharge limits of phosphate have been tightening over the last decade and are set to become more stringent across the globe. Traditional treatment processes are unable to meet these lower limits and existing chemical methods are often based on dosing chemicals at a flat rate, leading to unsustainable use of the raw materials.

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How Doppler Sensors Offer a Cost-Effective Alternative to Electromagnetic Meters

Did you know that insertion-style meters with Doppler ultrasonic technology can significantly reduce the cost of meter ownership in treatment plants and other full-pipe applications? Learn more about this novel approach to full-pipe wastewater metering during a free webinar with In-Situ’s flow expert, Dr. Mathew Campbell.

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Understanding Suspended Sediments, Solids, and Turbidity

Different standard methods of turbidity field measurement are recommended based on the desired outcome and program protocol requirements. In this webinar, Larry Freeman walks through the definition of these methods, defines which indicators should be monitored based on a specific application, and discusses the confusion between TSS, TDS, and SSC.

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How to Get the Most of Your Transducer Data

Consultants and government agencies dealing with environmental and water resources issues across the United States install transducers in monitoring wells to collect millions of groundwater level measurements daily. Typically, the analytical focus is on water level fluctuation over time. Such a focus deals only with long-term trends or, at best, a signature of a nearby pumping well. The information that can be extracted from the time domain is only a small part of a much larger picture; this is due to the limitations of tools that analyze data in the time domain. By switching to the frequency domain and using signal processing tools, it is possible to extract a full range of valuable information.

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How to Get the Most From Your Dissolved Oxygen Sensors in Wastewater Treatment

Do you rely on Dissolved Oxygen sensors to control your Aeration basins? If you do – join us to learn about some of the issues and considerations when selecting, installing and maintaining those sensors. If not – join us to find out why you should!

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What You Need To Know About Water Level Measurement With A Pressure Sensor

Water level is a fundamental hydrologic parameter, commonly measured with a submersible pressure transducer in both surface and groundwater. But how well do you know your level data? Hydrogeologist Adam Hobson will look at how water level measurements are made with a pressure transducer and how to interpret the data for best results.

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How to Make Low-Flow Groundwater Purging Easy, Affordable and Reliable

Low-flow purging is a common method used to collect groundwater samples for laboratory analysis. Yet the process can be difficult to follow and replicate, and the volume of data can be hard to manage. We’ll review the basics of low-flow purging and demonstrate how the free VuSitu mobile app for iOS and Android can make it the easiest, most cost-effective, and most reliable way to get your data.

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Vi har et bredt produktspekter for å kunne tilby helhetlige løsninger, og våre ansatte består av en kvalifisert stab, hvor flertallet er ingeniører/teknikere.


"Våre kunnskapsrike produktspesialister hjelper deg mer enn gjerne og svarer på dine spørsmål!"


Terje Augestad

Senior salgsingeniør

Terje Augestad

Analyse av vannkvalitet m.m.


Tlf.:   950 22 599

e-post:   terje@tormatic.no

Flere nyheter



Euro Expo Kristiansand 2024

Den 4. - 5. september møtes vi i Sørlandshallen. Møt bransjens ledende leverandører og se nye produkter, innovative materialer og effektive løsninger for produksjons- og prosessindustrien. Velkommen!

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Vi ønsker alle en fin sommer!

Det er ferietid og vi ønsker alle en riktig GOD SOMMER! Tormatic holder åpent sommeren igjennom, om enn med litt redusert bemanning. 😊☀️

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NYHET - Universal IoT Gateway fra Tekon

Universal IoT Gateway kobler sensorer og andre enheter til skyen. Dette lar deg se apper og enheters status i en IoT-plattform for å få sanntidsinnsikt og varsler.

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Kåret til årets produkt

UniStream TA32 PLC+ HMI - ble kåret til "Årets Produkt 2024" av magasinet Control Engineering!

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Eliaden 28. til 30. mai 2024

✅Møt oss på Eliaden 2024!🤩 Stand C04-16 i Hall C - Automatisering. Eliaden er en av Norges største fagmesser og arrangeres neste gang på NOVA Spektrum i 2024.

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Euro Expo Trondheim 2024

Den 17. - 18. april møtes vi i Utleirahallen. Møt bransjens ledende leverandører og se nye produkter, innovative materialer og effektive løsninger for produksjons- og prosessindustrien. Velkommen!

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HavExpo 2024 i Bergen, 6. - 8. mai

Velkommen til Norges mest spennende møteplass for fiskeri- og havbruksnæringen. HavExpo er en av Norges største messer for utstyr, tjenester, forskning og forvaltning innenfor havbruk og fiskeri.

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In-Situ "How To" og opplærings videoer

In-Situ tilbyr er rekke "How To" og opplærings videoer innen instrumentering for måling av nivå og vannkvalitet. I sortimentet finnes multiparametersonder med ett bredt utvalg av vannkvalitetssensorer.

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NYHET - In-Situ Rugged Buoy

In-Situ Rugged Buoy er en pålitelig, kostnadseffektiv overvåkingsplattform for langsiktig utplassering av instrumentering og telemetri i dam, innsjø, bukt, elv og kystnære miljøer.

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